For the past several months now, I've been stuck without a job. For even longer than that, I've been desperately hunting for an entry-level writing job that will allow me to gain experience, so that I may one day have a career and move out of my parent's house. Sadly, most of the places I reply to never get back to me, and the ones that do turn out to not be a good fit for one reason or another.
I've always considered making a blog, even if just so I could have some work to show off to prospective employers, but until now I've had cold feet. I was struggling with questions, such as: "What do I even write about?" and "How can my blog stand out from everyone else's?". Until now, I hadn't even thought about what name my blog would be under or how people would find me. All I knew was that, if I wanted to get myself out there, I had to at least make the effort to get my work known, even if the beginning was rough.
My current concept for this blog is that it'll be something of a mixed bag. I'll review and analyze media that's on my mind. I'll talk about experiences I've had. I'll share my oddest dreams, and make stories of them. Perhaps most relevant to me, I'll write about the art of writing itself, and describe my own process when it comes to creative writing specifically. I didn't want to be pigeon-holed into a genre that so many other people do, but I also know that a lot of my interests lie in things other people already cover. Allowing myself the freedom to experiment also allows me to try new writing styles and grow as a writer, so when that one perfect job comes along, I'll be more than ready for it.
But why a blog in the first place? Why not do what my dad keeps suggesting, and get a story published in a local magazine? Or, why not just keep trying to brute force my applications until someone bites? For me, it's about the very process of making a blog. I don't just want to keep showing off my old college essays as writing samples. I want to be able to continue my craft, even if nobody's paying me. I want to explore my abilities more while also doing something that'll get me noticed. More than that, though, it'll also help me develop a routine, and get out of the daily, low-energy rut I've been stuck in for the past several months.
I don't know if this will get any attention, or if I'll burn out within the first month of trying to update it, but it's the attempt that counts. Hopefully, I'll be back soon for more.
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