My Favorite Weird Laws

One thing almost all of us are taught as kids is that obeying the law is good. We understand the basics; don't kill people, don't steal things, and don't run a stop sign. Simple, easy, and logical. It seems that not every lawmaker got the memo, though, as there's a lot of really weird laws in the United States alone, and today I'll be counting down my five favorites.

#5: Pronouncing Arkansas:

Did you know it's against the law in Arkansas to mispronounce the name of the state? Jokingly calling the state "Ar-Kansas" or "Ar-Can-Sass" is banned by state law, and has been since at least 2010, in order to preserve the name the French originally gave it. While technically the law code just calls these mispronunciations "discouraged", I thought this rule was silly and strict enough to deserve a spot on this list.

#4: Bouncy Pickles

Well, after a long day of pronouncing "Arkansas", you might want to stop for a bite. But before you eat that pickle that restaurant gave you with your sandwich, it's important to make sure it bounces... at least, according to the state of Connecticut, which is following the regulation set by their state's Food and Drug Commissioner. One can only hope that, in a few years, this catches on, and "bouncing pickles" becomes a new household phrase, perhaps to describe something unbelievable- such as a pickle that, ironically, cannot bounce.

#3: Black Cats

Okay, maybe it's too much to ask that "bouncing pickles" becomes something we all know, but at least we can take solace in the fact that we all know black cats are bad news, at least on Friday the 13th. Indiana understands this so much that on Friday the 13th, these spooky pets must all wear bells around their neck for the sake of the state's mental health. I just wonder if they also need to bubble-wrap all their mirrors and cease all ladder work that day, too.

#2: Seaweed Collecting

If you're one of those black-cat loving folks, you might also enjoy to wonder around at night. Well, that's all well and good, so long as you don't try and gather seaweed while you're at it! New Hampshire bans nocturnal seaweed collecting, putting a stop to what I' m sure was a favored pass time for all young rebels and hooligans. 

#1: Bingo!

Now, if you've resisted the urge to break one of these laws so far, you might be pleased to know that you're not banned from playing Bingo. But, if you're one of those mischievous rapscallions that memes on Arkansas and doesn't appreciate a good ol' fashion bouncing pickle, you're out of luck, because you can't play the game as a felon in Pennsylvania. Sorry, I don't make the rules!


Of course, these laws and every other has a history and some supposed logic to them... I assume. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of politicians having their own fun, and maybe that's not the end of the world, either. I just hope they keep their own sea-weed collecting habits in check.
